Wellness at POP
Caring for our physical and emotional health.
Current Wellness practices at Prince of Peace include:
Cafeteria segments on POP news
Daily extra recess for middle school students
Daily schoolwide brain breaks
6th grade relay and squat activities as they switch classrooms
Sensory walk/break for students needing to redirect their attention
Schoolwide field day competition in May
SW Dairy farmer presentation in November
American Heart Association fundraiser in Spring
Nursing student led presentations for students
Nurse-led healthy practices hands-on education
Kdg and 1st grade - handwashing presentations
1st Grade - staying healthy presentation
2nd Grade - flu/cold and staying healthy presentation
POP news - flu/cold and how to stay healthy
Posters on nurse's door with healthy habits
Wellness policy implementation plans and current discussions beyond this current school year:
Counselor shared idea of wanting to start a walking/running club after school, similar to one at her former school. The group would be open to students, parents and parish members.
Food service mentioned having a weekly/monthly nutrition trivia question between classrooms to promote nutrition education
Healthy recipes featured in monthly school newsletter
Health and wellness screening for staff
Find parent or parishioner who can lead after school/evening adult activities in gym
Use parent professionals (dentists, etc.) to provide/promote wellness education for students